I'm losing sleep but not losing heart. I'm losing strength but not losing hope. because you have given and have taken away. May your Name be forever praised.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

four-calendar cafe ko nasan ka na?

we're currently looking for direct injection boxes for acoustic guitars.
if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who sells one for a much lower price, then that's better. we're looking for active ones,
3 pieces. thank you.

also shure microphones. even if it's taiwan made. but if you know someone
who knows someone who knows someone who sells the original ones at a very
reasonable price, just let me know. thank you.

how about guitar stands? we're also looking for guitar stands. thanks.

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moja sent me this one. here ya go!

1. What are the things you enjoy doing even when there's no one around you?

i like reading books. i'm currently reading c.s. lewis' the screwtape letters
and chronicles of narnia. i'm sure you've heard of narnia, disney's
making a movie out of it. well about screwtape, it's the book that bono was reading in their hold me, thrill me, kiss me video. it's a correspondence between two devils, screwtape and his nephew wormwood.

2. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?

bawang at norvasc. hehe. hearing my 3-year old niece tell her experience at
school lowers my stress. complete with hand gestures and facial expressions. listening to music also lowers stress but now i can't find my copies of cocteau
twins and the softies.

3. Tag five friends and ask them to post this on their blogs.

3 na lang. hehe. windstruck, mei and iris.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

hillsong conference 2005

music: go and sin no more - rebecca st. james
mood: expectant

ey here's the last batch of pictures from
the conference. hope you like it. im sorry
if you're using dial-up (like me) because it
would make your computer a little cranky.
these photos are taken from the evening

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this is from a morning rally, that's
joel houston leading worship. i was
hoping i could get closer to the stage
but the big guy (yung nasa bandang
kaliwa ng pic na kalbo) asked me not
to come closer. hehe.

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darlene introducing michael w. smith,
one of the resource speakers in the

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this is the core group of plungefest who
went to the conference to be trained and to
catch hillsong's vision on evangelism.
l-r, ate joy, ate aret, thriver, doris.

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Friday, September 09, 2005

next batch of pictures

music: through it all (mandarin version)
mood: when is the september set gig?

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these are the pictures during the opening night.
the show started with some dancing then moments
later, it exploded into a majestic sonic bombast
with darlene leading the worship through singing.
a video wall adds power to the experience, which
once in a while shifts its focus from the stage
then to the congregation. the drum and bass is
really loud, it's like being in a U2 concert
(hehe, parang nakapanood na ng U2 concert 'no).
speaking of U2, during one of the special numbers,
they sang "sometimes you can't make it on your own."
i also heard "beautiful day" a couple of times there.

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these are the pictures during the evening rallies.
pictures of the stadium, the choir, and the view
from behind the stage.