I'm losing sleep but not losing heart. I'm losing strength but not losing hope. because you have given and have taken away. May your Name be forever praised.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

look to you hidden video

music: in a different place - ride
mood: sunday's not so far away

my friend khris told me about the hidden clip in
united's "look to you" dvd. this is how you do it:

1. go to the song selection menu.
2. click on the "what the world will never take" video.
3. as soon as the screen fades to black press the menu
button again.
4. it will bring you to the song selection menu again and
you will notice an arrow in the "look to you" part.
5. press enter.

okay what's the video all about? well you have to see for
yourself. malas mo lang kung wala kang copy. hehe.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Did Jesus exist? Italian court to decide

maybe they should have asked the pope instead. hehe.

Did Jesus exist? Italian court to decide.
By Phil Stewart Wed Jan 4, 10:28 PM ET

ROME (Reuters) - Forget the U.S. debate over intelligent design versus evolution.

An Italian court is tackling Jesus -- and whether the Roman Catholic Church may be breaking the law by teaching that he existed 2,000 years ago.

The case pits against each other two men in their 70s, who are from the same central Italian town and even went to the same seminary school in their teenage years.

The defendant, Enrico Righi, went on to become a priest writing for the parish newspaper. The plaintiff, Luigi Cascioli, became a vocal atheist who, after years of legal wrangling, is set to get his day in court later this month.

"I started this lawsuit because I wanted to deal the final blow against the Church, the bearer of obscurantism and regression," Cascioli told Reuters.

Cascioli says Righi, and by extension the whole Church, broke two Italian laws. The first is "Abuso di Credulita Popolare" (Abuse of Popular Belief) meant to protect people against being swindled or conned. The second crime, he says, is "Sostituzione di Persona", or impersonation.

"The Church constructed Christ upon the personality of John of Gamala," Cascioli claimed, referring to the 1st century Jew who fought against the Roman army.

A court in Viterbo will hear from Righi, who has yet to be indicted, at a January 27 preliminary hearing meant to determine whether the case has enough merit to go forward.

"In my book, The Fable of Christ, I present proof Jesus did not exist as a historic figure. He must now refute this by showing proof of Christ's existence," Cascioli said.

Speaking to Reuters, Righi, 76, sounded frustrated by the case and baffled as to why Cascioli -- who, like him, came from the town of Bagnoregio -- singled him out in his crusade against the Church.

"We're both from Bagnoregio, both of us. We were in seminary together. Then he took a different path and we didn't see each other anymore," Righi said.

"Since I'm a priest, and I write in the parish newspaper, he is now suing me because I 'trick' the people."

Righi claims there is plenty of evidence to support the existence of Jesus, including historical texts.

He also claims that justice is on his side. The judge presiding over the hearing has tried, repeatedly, to dismiss the case -- prompting appeals from Cascioli.

"Cascioli says he didn't exist. And I said that he did," he said. "The judge will to decide if Christ exists or not."

Even Cascioli admits that the odds are against him, especially in Roman Catholic Italy.

"It would take a miracle to win," he joked.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

my so-cold so-called life

music: i heard she said - sodajerk
mood: happy new year

it has been a pretty interesting year for me.
where can i start? been to two countries this
year, i was in hongkong to attend the consumer
electronics tradeshow and i was fortunate enough
to go to australia for the hillsong conference.
the latter might probably be the most memorable
event of my year.

i also quit my job and had a new one. still in a
telecoms service provider but very different in
responsibility and scope (and not to mention the
schedule). the story behind my hiring process is
hilarious, miraculous and glorious. i wish i can
share it but it is rather personal.

carnival park broke up. after five years of rounding
up the indiepop scene, we (well, i) decided to call
it quits.

bought a new effects pedal for my relatively new
electric guitar. bought three new sets of strings,
and had hundred of picks and a strap as a gift (thanks
kay). but i still can't find myself that elusive acoustic
guitar pick-up.

mum celebrated her 60th birthday. elisha turned three.
i turned, well, next paragraph please.

shelflife records closed. buzznight wasn't the way it
was used to be. apple orchards released some wonderful
songs. there's the tribute album for the eraserheads and
a barbie singles compilation (thanks tin). chris tomlin
released a studio and a live album. delirious? also had
a new album out.


p.s. the title of this entry just popped in my mind
after remembering sodajerk's song "i heard she said"
in my head. sodajerk is also a song from buffalo tom
and buffalo tom once guested in my so-called life, a
series starring claire danes. as to the so-cold, well
it is here in the office. brrrr...